Contact Contact form Fields marked * are required Your name* Your e-mail* Subject Message Consent to the processing of personal data (required): Please be advised that the administrator of your personal data provided on the form will be Top Graphic Machinery Tomasz Pieniążek, Rząska, ul. Strugi 18, 30 - 199 Kraków Your personal data is processed because it is necessary to answer your question, before concluding a contract and to conclude it, if it happens at the request of the data subject. Providing personal data is voluntary but necessary to provide an answer. Your data may be entrusted to the IT system. Personal data is processed for a period of 6 months from the moment of contact. This period may be extended if a contract is concluded, which person will be a party to. You have the right to access your personal data, correct them, and submit a complaint to the supervisory body, if you feel that the processing of your data is inconsistent with the current data protection regulations.